Tuesday, November 4, 2008

some helpful hand is inneed so pls help them hand to hand

every handicapped people has own innermost desire so we have to help them inhand so in picture mom of a young lad helping helping her son to walk which means she is really serious regarding his desire to walk and feel so hats off to her glorious deeds.

small mentally retired is sketching picture

not only the ables has own wish and desire but the mentally retired girl also wants to expose her intrinsic talent through drawing so we have to incourage her and her family efforts.

the young lad the victim of tumour

the young lad suffered from early tumour and has face various difficulties inside his friends circle so it has given his pressure regarding social stigma and mental turmoil from his friends so its very pathetic and more panic in reality.

blind people working for living through bambo basket

blind who are being helpless without their vision has to work for living coz their children shows their deaf ears towards them and from the government sector no any concrete initiation has been taken out.thus it has become the prime responsibility of the common people round the globe to help them.

the victimized child suffered from turning lips

the child has to face untimely harass being disabled in society where the crucial issue of education has become real problem for them due to lack of school relatively for them.

the child victimised from polio

the child of 8yers old has been the real victim of polio and has been suffered as a disabled.